Heyo! Just popping in to let you know that the Lucifer x Depressed!Reader you requested is updated!! You can find it at this link here! >> https://www.wattpad.com/886891239-obey-me-one-shots-requests-request-pride-lucifer
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Okay so I know that I haven’t updated in a long time. Sorry about that. But something happened today that really has me pissed off. So in the township I live in an old man beat a neighbor’s dog to death with a baseball bat. He beat he dogs head, cracked it’s skull, and as a result it suffered and then had to be put down. And the man LAUGHED. He fucking LAUGHED. And the family got a ticket because “oh no a dog is being a dog”. So the dog got out of the yard. THAT DOES NOT GIVE ANYONE THE RIGHT TO BEAT IT TO DEATH!! This just really makes me mad. Yeah the guy got in trouble. I just cannot understand how you could to that to an animal and then laugh.
Heyo! Just popping in to let you know that the Lucifer x Depressed!Reader you requested is updated!! You can find it at this link here! >> https://www.wattpad.com/886891239-obey-me-one-shots-requests-request-pride-lucifer
Okay so I know that I haven’t updated in a long time. Sorry about that. But something happened today that really has me pissed off. So in the township I live in an old man beat a neighbor’s dog to death with a baseball bat. He beat he dogs head, cracked it’s skull, and as a result it suffered and then had to be put down. And the man LAUGHED. He fucking LAUGHED. And the family got a ticket because “oh no a dog is being a dog”. So the dog got out of the yard. THAT DOES NOT GIVE ANYONE THE RIGHT TO BEAT IT TO DEATH!! This just really makes me mad. Yeah the guy got in trouble. I just cannot understand how you could to that to an animal and then laugh.
Hi! So I got my phone taken away for like a week. Not completely sure why since my mother told me to do something, I did it, but then she got mad at me for it... but I have my device back now! And I’m also at band camp. Today is the first full day and I’m already tired lol. So I’m gonna try to get multiple updates this week. But I apologize in advance if I can’t. I hope y’all are having a good day/night depending on when you read this!
Yeah okay. I have no idea what is going on with my computer. It just decided to not work today. I am reworking Distant Shadows and just making it better and tweaking things. I wanted to get it done today but since my computer wasn't cooperating I am going to have to try tomorrow lol. Things have been going pretty good in my life now and I have gotten a whirlwind of ideas! :D
Okay. I just texted my friend, I’ll call him R, about the situation. I said that I had something that I needed to talk about and tell someone. I don’t want to cause him stress but this is my first step to getting help. I know I won’t be able to talk to anyone else first. This will allow me to be able to write again. Sorry for the announcements....
@Rhythm-the-Writer Don't be!! This is great and I'm really happy that you decided to give it a chance!
I am very slowly writing the new chapter. It’s coming along pretty good. I broke things off with a friend of mine and they are now being a jerk to me. And I can’t wear short sleeves anymore (if you know what I mean) and I want to seek help but my mom doesn’t ever believe anything I say. She just thinks it’s all my fault. There is only one person who seems to care about me and what I am going through. He says that he will always listen but I am too afraid to text him because of anxiety. I’m slowly slipping further and further into a black hole and I don’t know what to do anymore. My ex friend has caused others to be rude to me and is constantly making my life hell. All of my other friends are going through small struggles right now. I can’t talk to my parents because my mom makes everything about herself and blames everything on me. She doesn’t believe a word I say. She says she’s does but I can tell by how she acts that she doesn’t. The counselors at school can’t do their job. When someone goes to them for help they say “oh... we can’t do anything about that...” And then my ex friend doesn’t want me to talk to anyone about anything. Bottling up my feelings is leaving me with scars that I am slowly being able to fade with a baking soda and olive oil mix. Sorry for the long thing. I hope to get a chapter out as soon as possible. But I don’t feel much anymore and what I do my ex friend and his “friends” are slowly taking away.
@Rhythm-the-Writer Hi :) First of all, I'm really sorry for what you are going through, and I can imagine how horrible it is. I know what it's like to feel that no one wants to hear you, or that what you say isn't important so why try. But if you have that one friend who is willing to listen to you, don't listen to your anxiety. It's easier said than done, but it can help to let it out to him little by little as you slowly try to get used to opening up until you're eventually more comfortable. Also, unfortunately, not all parents understand or are supportive, but you can always reach out to resources like hotlines, teachers or counselors at school. I can see that you'd maybe think it's not helpful or scary or unecessary, but it's at least worth a shot. I have had an encounter once with a counselor, and I wouldn't say I'm out of the woods, but she made me want to fight and struggle to turn things around. I know I wouldn't be where I am today without her advices and most of all, how she proved to me that there are people out there who will listen and stick up for you even if they don't know you well. Lastly, if you ever want to talk to someone and rant the hell out of life without being judged, you can always send me a PM :) Sometimes, it's just nice to vent anonymously, so my messages are open. I hope this helps :) and please do whatever you need for yourself to move forward.
I know that I haven't updated in forever. I'm not sure how long it will take for me to get this next chapter out because some things have been going on in my personal life that has made everything really hard for me. Yesterday I had to beg my mother to let me stay home from school because of a classmate who used to be my 'best friend.' He has been making my life h*ll and not allowing me to have other friends. He tried to convince me that everyone else was talking bad about me and he tried to ruin all of my other friendships. The entire time he was treating my awfully and constantly ignoring and saying mean things to me. Every time I would confront him everything was blamed on me and he wouldn't take any responsibility. He also betrayed me by blaming things he did on me to my other classmates. I don't trust him anymore. I am going to try to keep writing, but everything now feels empty. I am going to keep fighting to do everything I need to do and I am going to fight to make this book worthwhile for everyone. Sorry for the long read. I also probably made mistakes but I don't feel like reading through this right now.
Thank you! Yeah and when I did speak my mind I was articulate, calm, and clear with my words while he was immature and childish. He doesn’t ever take the blame and his parents are fooled into thinking he is such a great person...
@Rhythm-the-Writer Take your time, my dude. It's not always easy and there is no rush. I'm really sorry about what's going on, and don't be afraid to speak your mind to him or go get help from an adult you trust (I don't know your age, but if you are in high school, this would be one way to go). If you ever want to talk to anyone and rant, I'm here :)
I am finally able to access docs and I've been editing a lot this morning trying to get things done. I have basketball band in a few hours so I will have new chapters up probably during band. I'm also editing old chapters to make them better!
Okay. So I am trying to get new chapters of Distant Shadows up, but they are on Google Docs and my computer won't let me access them. I'm going to try and fix the problem as soon as I can to get the chapters up! I'm so sorry about not updating. I've had a rough few weeks. But, no excuses! I will make sure they are up as soon as possible!
@RealRishNev Not yet, but I think that's why it messed up so hopefully it'll fix it
@Rhythm-the-Writer Oh, unfortunate. Have you tried signing out of your account and back in?
-I haven't updated Distant Shadows in literally forever, but I am working on getting out many chapters today so I'm happy about that! :D -I really want to start another story revolving around performing arts and the circus and things like that, but I'm not really sure what to do yet, so I'm kind of scared. -I will have new chapters out this week, sorry about the wait and the long read!
@Rhythm-the-Writer It's up to you :) I'm also looking forward for a new chapter.
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