

          HELLO GUYS! GOSH IT'S BEEN SOOOO LONG I'm so sorry for the super extra major delay of updating (called hiatus, ehe, my bad, I am so sorry).
          I've been quite distracted with my own life that I neglect this story, and so I have now decided to try to get back to it again. I've been trying to get back to the feel of this story to continue writing it (sadly, my draft saved in my computer is just as unfinished as the one I have published here). And then, as I was reading through it all over, I've realized there's so many errors, things that didn't quite make sense, that made me realize that if I'm going to continue writing it, might as well start editing through the whole thing again.
          Cuz, you know, sometimes when you write a story for the first time, you just let it flow and don't really any loopholes in it at all. You just keep writing and writing as if it suddenly have a life of its own.
          So, in this notes, I'm just going to inform you guys that I will re-publish the edited version of every single chapter (starting from chapter one). There will be some changes and things added, but it's only minor things that you won't probably miss anything if you didn't want to read the whole thing over from chapter one again.
          After I am finished with editing, I will proceed to continue posting new chapters until I finish the whole thing. Haha. Wish me luck.
          This notes will be erased after I post the next chapter.
          HAVE A GOOD DAY EVERYONE! And OH is it already winter yet for those of you who live up north? We've already welcomed rainy season this year (hopefully until the next four-six months) in Indonesia. Everyday is rain, especially in the afternoon and all through the night.
          AGAIN, HAVE A GOOD DAY! :)


A little series inside my compiled oneshots: Stories of Love. Haven't decided whether or not to make it into a book of its own, but there's no rush. You could check it out here: https://my.w.tt/IeriMDtqPO
          Thanks ^^ Ah, regarding MMCC (Meet My Carbon Copy), I'm sorry it is still held on hiatus. I have not decided whether to continue posting it or not, but i do already have most of the plot written down.
          Have a nice day.