
Hey everyone, I was hoping to get more chapters of "What Happened to Anna" posted this last week but I came down with Covid so I slept most of the time. I'm still on quarantine and I am feeling better so hopefully I can get a few more chapters up before my vacation is over on Monday. 


Hey everyone, I was hoping to get more chapters of "What Happened to Anna" posted this last week but I came down with Covid so I slept most of the time. I'm still on quarantine and I am feeling better so hopefully I can get a few more chapters up before my vacation is over on Monday. 


Happy Holidays to you all! I personally enjoyed my Yule celebration this year and I will be enjoying Christmas with the munchkidies and my husband. We are a multireligious family and we accept anyone who wants to celebrate with us. We also understand that this can be a very hard time of the year for many people. Our kiddo has a hard time because they are away from their birth family. We do what we can to incorporate some of their traditions with our traditions so they feel more comfortable with the holidays. Because they came so close to Christmas and they celebrate Christmas I had to make an emergency call to Santa so he knew where to deliver presents. It was very stressful because the elves kept putting me on hold. If you need someone to celebrate with know that my family is with you in spirit and we love you for all that you are! Feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to. Though this isn't my holiday I do understand not being with family, or not being accepted by family during a time of the year when family is emphasized. 


Hi all, I am sorry once again for being gone for so long. Life is crazy and busy. Honestly I struggle a lot with mental health since the military. I want to write and I want to produce stories you all can enjoy but I have pretty bad writers block. I will be posting a few things here soon to just kind of get the ball rolling. But I will also be publishing on Amazon. So the first drafts will be here and the finished products will be available for purchase on kindle and you can also buy a physical copy. I am working on getting a website set up so I can do prizes, give aways, and send out signed copies for events and releases. I appreciate all of you who have continued to follow me. I also will be starting a TikTok to help announce things. I have an Instagram you can follow as well. I will try to be better about writing as I will have more time. Much love.


Hi. I'm new :3 I found your book I Spy With My Little Eye and I am rlly enjoying <3 


@HeartlessHano hey, I'm just letting you know that eye spy is going to be published on Amazon


@HeartlessHani yes, someday when I get around to writing it.


Hello everyone! 
          I know it's been years. I kinda got annoyed with Wattpad and other writing platforms so I took a much needed long break. I needed to get my head it the right space and think about the kind of things I like to write verses the kind of things I'm good at writing. For a while there I felt like I couldn't write worth a damn and I would never get published. So I quit. But I'm working towards it again because writing my my escape from this crazy world. So I will be writing again. I will be writing stories I love and I will be working towards getting published with every page I write. I am excited to go on this journey and I certainly hope you all come with me!
          Pi is still awesome!