
I'm nearly done with the last episode of SonicBoom Season 3! Just a few more additions and correction and it will be done!


          You have been chosen to be showered with love/Luv so enjoy!❤️
          Now! Post this to everyone who you think deserves all the love/luv in the world.
          If you get:
          One back: You are loved
          Three back: You are popular
          Five back: You are the most loveable people out there
          Nine back: Jeez, I'm jealous
          Front break the chain unless you want to break someones heart. (Is a challenge I think-)


Hello i would like to know if you could translate  you story into the portugueses language Brazil,many brazilians would like to read you story,only they don't umderstand what you wrote. So... do you let me translate?
          I am brazilian!
          Your story seems to be very cool!
          Kiss for you!


I want you to know you're an amazing friend, till death and forever. If I don't get this back I understand. But I have a game for you:
          Once you read this letter, you have to send it to twenty-five(25) people including muah.
          If you get three(3) back, you're loved! Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it. Tonight at twelve(12) am, the person you love (hopefully) will realize their love for you.
          If you break this chain, you'll have bad luck.
          A friend of mine told me to do this, so I passed it on. Apparently if you copy and paste this, you'll have the best day of your life.


Hey everyone, some of you may not know me. I'm Riana 2460 but call me Rianne or Riana for short. Unfortunately you guys are all aware about the virus that is spreading. I won't be able to publish my chapters but I'll try. I have Soo much homework but in my free time I'll try my best to be online