
I am the worst writer on here! and I know I'm probably losing readers because I made promises and couldn't keep them, I'm sorry but I have been so busy with my outside life! I made my decision every book I have is being discontinued and my new one I was working on and left for over a year unpublished is being deleted. I'm sorry I just can't keep up especially because I have a book I'm working on now that is staying away from fandoms because I wanted to focus on my actual ideas and plans for my future, my plan is the books I write now is to be published by real publishers and they can't by law publish fanfiction unless there is permission, but it is rare. I promise you all, if you continue to read my books you won't be disappointed because you can take the girl out of the fanfics, but you can't take the fanfics out of the books. My new book is about werewolves but most specifically powerful wolves such as owning the elements of the Earth. Her name you ask? Athena based on the goddess of war. I promise my newest books will not disappoint. I might though because you won't be able to read it until probably this summer/fall. 
          	If you read this thank you, if you're still following and reading thank you. You truly are the reason why I keep writing. If you are new on here and on my page, be sure to follow and read!


I am the worst writer on here! and I know I'm probably losing readers because I made promises and couldn't keep them, I'm sorry but I have been so busy with my outside life! I made my decision every book I have is being discontinued and my new one I was working on and left for over a year unpublished is being deleted. I'm sorry I just can't keep up especially because I have a book I'm working on now that is staying away from fandoms because I wanted to focus on my actual ideas and plans for my future, my plan is the books I write now is to be published by real publishers and they can't by law publish fanfiction unless there is permission, but it is rare. I promise you all, if you continue to read my books you won't be disappointed because you can take the girl out of the fanfics, but you can't take the fanfics out of the books. My new book is about werewolves but most specifically powerful wolves such as owning the elements of the Earth. Her name you ask? Athena based on the goddess of war. I promise my newest books will not disappoint. I might though because you won't be able to read it until probably this summer/fall. 
          If you read this thank you, if you're still following and reading thank you. You truly are the reason why I keep writing. If you are new on here and on my page, be sure to follow and read!


My updates are slow and I know that. I’m sorry. Just for the past few months I went from a part time job to a full time job. I only have one day and every other weekend off. I am more tired then usual as well. I know this is no excuse, but please believe me your requests and my books will be updated soon. I plan on updating on 12/17 or 12/19-12/20. 


The people who have requested imagines and haven't gotten a notification saying I've posted it, I am so sorry. I am working on them, but being a full time worker now I do not have any time to work on my books. but today off so I will work on them and try to get them done today. I am sorry for any inconvenience.


@RiannaBurgdorf2019 its totally cool. I understand! Take your time,hon.


@RiannaBurgdorf2019 Its fine! We understand :)


To my readers and to the people who message me on Wattpad. I know my replies and requests are late but I promise they are coming. Work has me on overload and I’ve been stressing for the past month or so. I know that’s no excuse, but I do promise replies and requests are coming! 


Okay, so I have been debating something that makes me slightly excited. I've noticed that wattpads onky has many bsm books on certain bands and certain tv shows like supernatural and 5sos. I'm debating if I should make a bsm book on Teen Wolf after I finish my book The McCall Pack. Is this a good idea? Please give me your thoughts. Thank you.


So, I don't know who knows or who doesn't, but for all my followers I have news. For years now I have been without WiFi unless I'm at a friend's, school, or work. This had caused all my progress to be slow and it made all of you who read my books wait until a couple of days even weeks, when I can guarantee that the books will be updated due to WiFi errors. But, for the passed week I have been packing up because on Sunday I am moving and on Friday April 3rd, I will be getting WiFi. Which means I will be updating all of my books every single day if I can unless I'm at work, and I will be focused on my newest book which is still in my drafts called The McCall Pack. I am half way done with this book and I will be updating it's progess every two weeks until its finished. The reason why I haven't published any of its chapters yet is because I want to make sure this book is absolutely perfect. No mistakes, no grammar issues, nothing wrong with it and the reason for this is because after The McCall Book, I'm done writing fan fiction, I want to start writing books with different genres. Like on Wattpad, there is a category for werewolf books, I want to be able to know I can go beyond fan fiction and The McCall Pack is my test because even though yes it's fan fiction, it's also going into Wattpads werewolf category because it involves werewolves. So in a week, I will be able to continue writing The McCall Pack and update any requests I have on my SPN ddm/bsm book until I reach at least 80 chapters, also I may OR may NOT reopen requests on my 5sos ddm/bsm to reach at least 80 chapters. If you read this thank you, if you got bored and gave up, honestly same, and thank you for at least reading this post. Please keep reading, commenting, and requesting ideas for my books!
          Rianna xx