
Greeting lovely readers. Unfortunately I have some bad news. My computer has recently stopped working, and until I get a new one, there will be slow to no updates on all of my projects. I am currently trying to get it fixed, so when that happens, I will return. 
          	If you are interested in reading my novels that are complete and published, you can find them on Amazon! Just use this link >>> https://www.amazon.com/stores/Rianna-Reid/author/B0B7FLRBTZ?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true 
          	Alright, until I return, my darlings ;)


Is there a Book two to Black Snake Target? I can't find it on Amazon. I very much enjoyed book one


@laura10382 hello awesome reader. Unfortunately there is not a book 2 to black snake's target at the moment. However, I have several other books that you might also like. Also, it would really help me as an upstart author if you gave that novel your most honest review on Amazon, Goodreads and any other social platforms you are currently using. Thank you, much love!


Greeting lovely readers. Unfortunately I have some bad news. My computer has recently stopped working, and until I get a new one, there will be slow to no updates on all of my projects. I am currently trying to get it fixed, so when that happens, I will return. 
          If you are interested in reading my novels that are complete and published, you can find them on Amazon! Just use this link >>> https://www.amazon.com/stores/Rianna-Reid/author/B0B7FLRBTZ?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true 
          Alright, until I return, my darlings ;)