this message may be offensive
I should note that I do take responsibility for all of the shit takes on this account, any rude-joking is just coping with my wrongdoings of the past. Is it an excuse to say I have a lot of shit going on in my life so I really don't want to bring up this account and be held responsible? Yes, is saying that I was an immature closeted little shit during this time also an excuse? Yes, but that one is at least more valid. God, I wonder how me from back then would react to how Queer, Trans, Femminist,. and Anti-Capitalist I am now. Would I be angry? Mad? Understanding? Would I realise who I am if I stood in front of myself? The "Vincent is a pedophile" thing, that's just plain ignorance. He's not a pedophile he's just parental, he just has parental instincts. "Transwoman is a trap", No she isn't. She's a woman dumbass. "Men are better than women", All sexes are equal, even the snail ones. Women go through so much bs, you should know this, you where BORN one. I shouldn't argue with myself from the past. I should accept and move on. I'm a new person, and that older me was going through a LOT. With their identity, with school, back then was hell and I should give them a break. I'm sorry.

One thing I should you should know about the suicide baiting (TW: SH): __ Yes, I did SH, but I should not have announced that on the internet. Yes, I still have problems as of me posting this apology. I'm only saying this to clear the air. No I will not tell you what I did. No I will not tell you if I've stopped if I do. It's none of your business and it never was.

That story is gone now, thank god for reporting. Once again, Sorry. I guess I'm not really Apologising to you, but to myself. I shouldn't stress about this. People will understand, the anti-sjw pipeline is hellish. At the time making fun of people who were different was my only outlet, as I was dealing with harsh bullying at school, and extreme self-hatred, due to having (but not knowing I had) misophonia, I look back now and see that kind of hatred is not acceptable, not because of society, but because I know how it feels to be discriminated against for things I can't change. Not just the misophonia, but literally everything else about me. I'll forgive myself eventually, I just needed to vent on how it's controversial to myself to do so.