this is more of a personal thought that I've been having so I don't expect anybody to really care about it and I'm cool with it but I'm putting it out for those who want to read this because it's about readers and me the writer. As a writer I have some regrets and the biggest one is me getting up and disappearing for years, just gone and leaving my stories incomplete. I know why I did it, it was because I was feeling lazy and unmotivated but coming back and starting to write again I feel the regrets of leaving in the first place. I lost that small connection I had with my readers, them leaving comments and liking the new chapter I put out... I appreciate those who leave comment and likes on my new work now dont get me wrong but when I looked back to my older stuff I used to get some much more interactions and I missed that. I'm not like/star hungry, no. When I see people leaving those likes it tells me that I'm put out something good and people enjoyed it and people leaving comments talking about the little things I wrote, i love reading them. I know people will grow and change and leave, that's just apart of life, it keeps moving and changing but I also feel like me losing that connection is because of my absence, I lost follower and connection because of my laziness. But I really mean it when I say I appreciate those who reads my terribly written stories, then and now. I appreciate those who stuck around and I hope that I could make more stuff y'all will enjoy reading. I'm sorry for disappearing, I could've made alot more stories if I didn't. But life goes on so let's all enjoy the journey life will take us. Thank you for reading this lame tangent, I hope y'all have a wonder day/night/evening, author out.