Hi everybody! Admin here! (Formerly Hazel, I now go by Maddox). It has been so long, and I am so incredibly sorry for letting this die out. I have had a rough few years, and wattpad had to take a backseat. I really do love this community, and would like to revive it. If you are interested in joining, or want to confirm your previous position in this community, please let me know asap. Those who do not confirm their position or who I can not get in contact with (usernames have changed), I will have to drop your position and reopen it for someone else to take. If you currently do not hold a position but would like to join, please let me know. More information will be coming up soon!!! - Madds, Admin

@cammieblue Hi! Did you hold a role in the community previously? (e.g. fanfic reviewer, graphic designer, e.t.c?)