Done and dusted with "It ends with the Beginning" I loved the process of writing it, since
1. it was different.
2. I needed a catharsis lol
Though, it took a long time for me to finish with this one comparatively, but since it's one of my own creation, it's very close to my heart.
I would be sharing diary entries by Jungkook and Jin to explain what they went through, I was thinking about doing it, but I don't know if I would be able to do it.
Thankyou for all those who are reading, I really appreciate your votes.
Thankyou for sticking till the end, because I thought I wouldn't be able to make it.
Thankyou so much, for considering me valuable enough for your reads. I appreciate it alot, and it's the only encouragement I have ever got for writing something, though I am not amazing at it, but I think, I - I can be something, maybe or maybe not.
I hope we all can be something someday, till then let's just try to live.
Lots of love <3