I've recently started thinking about something that happened to me a while back. It just has me little sombre. A certain writer (very well known on here) about two years back was looking for fresh new ideas for their book series. A series I personally followed up on, I fell in love with it. I was excited and pitted out my idea to said writer, then some months passed and I saw my idea (slightly changed) and the picture used in their new book. At first I was shocked because my email and messages were never answered about how my idea was. They were just left to be, and at times I think it was just mere coincidence of this happening. Then my gut just tells me nah, it happened, you got played. Now as i watch this writer go on to do big things with their books, I just feel a little hurt. Like did they really cheat me, or maybe it's all really a coincidence. Yeah maybe it's all a really big one.