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Wow. A year later and here i am. Thank you guys for bearing with angsty 12 y/o me? haha what the fuck. Some updates about me and social medias where you can reach me :) - - I write @/PeacefulPeko now, so feel free to follow me there! - In a few months i will be 14 and I am in 8th grade <3 - I am a demigirl :0? like fuhk Rift pick a gender already - Pansexual-Asexual and all in between :^) - Artist/Blogger/Writer/Gay Depressed Suicidal Piece o' Shit - ANIMEANIMEANIMEANIME - WARRIORSWARRIORSWARRIORSWARRIORS - UNDERTALEUNDERTALEUNDERTALEUNDERTALE - DANGANRONPADANGANRONPADANGANRONPA thats rly it. ok also don't take me seriously half that stuff is me being angst ^

Youtube- DaintyMocha Twitter- DaintyMocha Deviantart- DaintyMochaa Wattpad- PeacefulPeko (dur)