
Hi guys! 
          	I know alot of you are waiting for my update for the book and i know you all been kinda annoyed by my sudden stop at posting. Well since im kinda busy at school and all i have to focus on school more because I'm kinda falling behind and i have to delete my wattpad for a while but...... thankfully i came back(from the dead.....jk)! And i still kinda busy but I'll make sure i will update soon! Maybe on May 25th or 26th because that's when i'm surely done with school work and everything so i can update on that date! I will make sure i will update every week to make up for the days,weeks, months i have missed. And another thing i miss you guys too! And THANK YOU❣️ FOR ALL THE READS, VOTE, AND COMMENTS! I know i have a lot of errors in the book but i will try my best to edit it so you guys have a better picture of what i imagine on my story! 
          	Again I'm sorry and Thank you again for understanding and all I am thankful for all your patience ❣️
          	With love,


@Ramos56789 Thank you for understanding ❣️


@Grace_23-08  It's okay we understand that school is more important. You can take all time you want


Hi guys! 
          I know alot of you are waiting for my update for the book and i know you all been kinda annoyed by my sudden stop at posting. Well since im kinda busy at school and all i have to focus on school more because I'm kinda falling behind and i have to delete my wattpad for a while but...... thankfully i came back(from the dead.....jk)! And i still kinda busy but I'll make sure i will update soon! Maybe on May 25th or 26th because that's when i'm surely done with school work and everything so i can update on that date! I will make sure i will update every week to make up for the days,weeks, months i have missed. And another thing i miss you guys too! And THANK YOU❣️ FOR ALL THE READS, VOTE, AND COMMENTS! I know i have a lot of errors in the book but i will try my best to edit it so you guys have a better picture of what i imagine on my story! 
          Again I'm sorry and Thank you again for understanding and all I am thankful for all your patience ❣️
          With love,


@Ramos56789 Thank you for understanding ❣️


@Grace_23-08  It's okay we understand that school is more important. You can take all time you want


Pls pls pls pls pls update 




@Ssri5074 it's perfectly fine


@Ssri5074 oh! I forgot sorry! I'll update soon sorry


hi can you please update your daminette book! It’s so good! I freaking need more chapters!!!!


thank you!!!!!


@oLiVIa3152020 sure thing but let's just hope i'll update soon hehehe