Hello curious fan! Thanks for being a fan! To answer your question, yes. I do get hate, I’ve been getting it more often now that my book is becoming bigger. I honestly have to say is that there will always be haters, no matter what you ship. Hate is inevitable, my best advice on it (and how I personally deal with it) is ignore it, don’t let it bother you. If you let it bother you that’s when the haters win. I’d say it’s easy for me to ignore it because so many other people support me, and that may not be the case for all people. But seriously try not to care what people think, do what you want!! Because f them! Hope this helps haha. Ps, don’t sink to the haters levels. If someone says something mean don’t say something mean back, instead fight back with comedy or completely ignore it! Welp I hope this is good advice! Have a great day!!! If you got anymore questions I’m here to help.