Hey. You said I could message you with any questions that I have and I am honestly mostly wondering about that way you think and how you feel about different things. And just how you go from day to day. With knowing what the media puts out about the condition is usually very bad and I just want to like hear about it and such. I was actually writing a book about a guy there is a sociopath there went out and turned into a serial killer but quickly scrapped the idea again because 1. I got lost in it 2. I didn’t want to feed into sociopaths being evil and such. But I would just love to know more about it in general

@_Demon_wh0re_ Hi there. Sorry I haven't been online much because I've been crazy busy these days. I'm swamped rn buy I'll send you a reply over the weekend since I have time then. Also thanks for wanting to learn about instead of assuming! It's appreciated!! :)