Hi, I said I would try to update as much as I can on TDCoS but since the internet is so slow its been an hour and I can't even post six lines. I'll try and find away around this, really sorry about this.


I would really suggest you guys play morrowind it might have bad graphics and it doesn't have a quest arrow but it is an amazing game and is a really challenging one I've play a long time on it and I haven't ever found a useless character and there are so many quests (I suggest dark elves and I wouldn't suggest argonians or Kajits because neither can wear boots but it is a good game


Hey, what's up? We haven't really talked in awhile, so… yeah. XD


So sorry it took me forever to reply. XD
            Ironically enough, it snowed yesterday. It was fantastic writing weather. :) Unfortunately, most of it melted by today.


Haha, yes we can always dream... And that snow would  very nice to.... :D


Thanks. I didn't really understand the last chapter we studied, though, so I'm hoping I managed to at least get half of those problems right. XD And indeed! Now, if only there was three feet of snow outside and I didn't have writer's block… I can always dream. ^^;