Anyone have any stories for me to read im currently at my grandma's taking care of her she has the virus and Pneumonia so I need something to do while she's asleep
Anyone have any stories for me to read im currently at my grandma's taking care of her she has the virus and Pneumonia so I need something to do while she's asleep
Anyone have any good one piece stories that DONT say you all the time I hate reading stories that say you instead of I , me , she ,her ( or he,him ) it's really annoying and anymore that all I find -_-
So I know this has nothing to do with stories or anything but im curious cuz according to my neighbor it isn't disrespectful to play music so loud it literally causes stuff in other people's houses to fall and break am I wrong to ask that they keep there music at a respectful volume so that it doesn't cause other people's stuff to break and to just show respect for the people around them in general??
I'm sad It my birthday but I'm stuck cleaning up after other people's animals and cleaning the house all day even though I'm not the only one here that's capable of cleaning all I asked for was one day to myself but apparently I'm not even allowed to have that.....
So someone called and claimed I was beating my dog cuz I smacked him 3 times with a flip flop for biting me I even called up to the police department and put it on speaker told them exactly what I did and even they said it's not abuse to smack a dog with a flip flop for biting it's just like smacking a kid for doing something bad lol I swear people are getting bumber by the day
@DEBREAZE lol I was born in the 90's I grew up were if you did something bad you got spanked with a belt or sent to bed with no dinner I think that parents now should actually discipline there kids maybe then they wouldn't be as disrespectful
Anyone have some new stories or updates that I can read I could use a distraction I've had a very stressful week and 2 days I've been doing nothing but cleaning people's houses and dealing with little kids that don't listen I've had maybe a total of 9 hours of sleep in the last week I need some me time and that means reading
Don't know why but I'm in a mummy mood but can't find any good story for the mummy ( not the newer crap version with the girl mummy but the ones with Brendan Fraser ) that I haven't read already any suggestions? Preferably over 30 pages
Ok everyone I have a new fluffy white and a little Grey female cat can't decide between the name Yuki ( snow) or Yuri ( Lilly) please vote using for yuri and for Yuki