
Just noticed I wrote 17th birthday on one of my posts which was wrong I meant to write 16th - sorry everyone!!


Hey guys so it was my birthday yesterday... Wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be the girls in my ward brought me a birthday cake which was great, my dad still hasn't been to visit me and I'm missing my mom like crazy (bless her soul) so yeah.


Hey guys, tomorrow is my 17th birthday, and what does that mean... Well since I'm still stuck in NHS care from tomorrow on wards I'm getting transferred to the adult out patient ward - Joys!
          Honestly hate my life right now miss everyone, my family hasn't come to visit me for two weeks and my dad a month maybe they've realised how worthless I am. I wish I died when I did I wouldn't be here and wouldn't have to deal with this crap anymore.
          Sorry everyone just having a bad day. 


Sorry meant to write 16th only just realised I wrote 17th oops. DEFIANTLY NOT 17 GUYS!! 


Hey guys... I wanted to make an apology about my lack of updates, this is hard for me to edit but for the last two months I have been in hospital...  I passed out at school and was rushed to hospital with kidney failure... That was caused by my lack of eating, I haven't been eating well done Christmas in fact from January to April I only ate one meal a day and ran every day for up to an hour, 
          I have anorexia nervosa, when I was in hospital I weighed 4 and a half stone and all my bones were sticking out, I was freezing and told if I didn't eat within the next 4 hours I would be dead because my body had already began to shut itself down, 
          I'm sorry.
          I really want to talk to someone who can relate to me.. Since moving to England a few months ago I have no friends and my dads constantly busy with work, I feel so alone.  


Hello everyone, I know I haven't written anything in a few months, this is because me and my family have been busy moving over to England from America; I came over here in October time to visit my aunt and cousins and saw Black Veil Brides whilst there, anyway I just wanted to say I'm going to be updating more frequently from now on because most of the house is sorted and all that crap that goes with it! :3