Does anybody else agree with the rain? It's like it understands exactly what im thinking. One moment it's lonely, a single drop, like stress and assignments or overall everything. Then, it starts to multiply, it gets shakier, and that's where the lightning comes in. The lightning is like my anger, one moment im calm, and then im pissed until I feel bad. And then, the thunder..The thunder represents to me, the aftermath of the lightning, the lost friends, the sadness, the getting yelled at.
But the rain can also be calm to me at times, think of on single raindrop, the lonely one that starts off alone. Then, other raindrops come in, if there aren't any, then thats because you haven't met them yet and it's not time. The other raindrops are your friends and followers, leaders and adults, family and childhood friends.
The lightning is like a light, something that always gets your attention, something beautiful, like yourself. Then, the thunder..the thunder is the thing that calms you down, it either comes after or before the lightning, maybe sometimes before.
It's raining right now, and I can't seem to think of the good things of it..just the bad..I'm sick right now, but I swear im really trying!
Have a great day/afternoon/evening! ❤️