
Semak belukar tak terurus
          	Duri tajam semakin runcing
          	Bau tanah semakin menyengat
          	Sebatang pohon pun tak mampu tumbuh
          	Berjalan maju seolah ragu
          	Melangkah mundur seolah pecundang
          	Samping kiri maupun kanan terasa tak mungkin
          	Terbang ke atas hanya akan jatuh
          	Terasa tenang namun menggebu
          	Yang terlihat diluar belum tentu didalam
          	Apa lah tujuan hidupmu?
          	- Bryony Ailee -
          	Friday, 01:18


Semak belukar tak terurus
          Duri tajam semakin runcing
          Bau tanah semakin menyengat
          Sebatang pohon pun tak mampu tumbuh
          Berjalan maju seolah ragu
          Melangkah mundur seolah pecundang
          Samping kiri maupun kanan terasa tak mungkin
          Terbang ke atas hanya akan jatuh
          Terasa tenang namun menggebu
          Yang terlihat diluar belum tentu didalam
          Apa lah tujuan hidupmu?
          - Bryony Ailee -
          Friday, 01:18


For everyone I love.
          Starting today, February 29, 2024...
          I officially changed my pen name to Bryony Aileen for the reason that people can differentiate between me as a writer and in real life. With this name change, I will try to write more often. I've been hibernating for quite a while, so hang on!!!
          Bryony which means flowering plant and
          Aileen which means torch light.
          In the future, I hope that every piece of my writing becomes a plant that can flower your heart and make you love every piece of my work. I also want to be a light igniter when your torch goes out. In other words, I want you to look for me and keep looking for my work when you really miss the light.
          Bryony Aileen.