
So for about a week now I couldn't sign into my account. "What is so bad with that, you're back?" You ask? WELL. My chapter is gone. The sucker I spent so long on. Poof. Gone. The 5000 words chapter I had. Don't mind me just crying in the corner.


I changed my name because I can! I am now a pink purrrito


@Pink_purrrito :) that's because pink diamond is often associated with a cat


@Pink_purrrito Purrito reminds me of a cat wraped in a blanket


I just witnessed the most german conversation in history! There were like, 15 boys standing there ON THE ROAD. About 9 of them were 2-4th graders with water pistols in their hands and the others were 7-9th graders. Then there stood 2 adults. One of them was the parent of one of the 7-9th graders and the other of the 2-4th graders. Apparently, the son (2-4th grade) of her was being bullied by the older kids and they went on like: "my son has been coming home every day, crying because they always tell him he's stupid and under educated!" "Well your kids always spray my son with water when they meet him!" "He's just protecting himself!" And they went on arguing. That's when I realized: hey! I know that guy! The funny thing is, he's at my gymnasium and the others are not. He's literally not allowed to go to that school. The parents argued and one screamed at the top of their lungs "GO F YOUR SELF!" And the other parent just "verbal abuse! I'll sue you!" And I can't stop laughing how beautiful it went down! The other parent was visibly offended and said "No! I'll sue you! How DARE your son bully mine!" And then they went to call 110(the German call for 911) and I ran away because well I don't want to be a whiteness. Now the fact that I know (and hate) this 7-9th grader makes me wonder if he's gonna tell his dad and they want to put me in court. 


Ok, so there is this thing in Germany called "half years report card" and we got this today and tbh, I'm not happy with it. I have a B+ in English. In the god-damn ONLY subject I really worked for. I'm very dissatisfied with this. And then I get an A in french?! I didn't even study for that!


Hello! I am pleased to announce that I have permission from MikanTheWriter to continue an abandoned PDAU story! The story is about Steven universe and it's awesome! I will try to bring out a sequel that hopefully won't be disappointing. If you haven't read it you should!


Hi! So, I'm not sure if I can write in the next few weeks since with my already short free time AND a very important German project my free time is at its lowest. Maybe I find a way to write anyway but if I don't I wanted you to know. Hope you understand!


Hi! This goes to anyone having Webtoon. I've been trying to figure out how to make your own Canvas and now I'm really lost. When I google there is only that I have to sign up and, like, put a catchy name on the story. The thing is, I don't really find the right buttons to do so. If anyone knows how to do that, help would be appreciated. Thanks 


It's Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year! I don't know if I'll be able to write for the next few weeks due to not being around but I'll try!