

For all the people who say that they dislike Leah Jeffries  because she doesn't look like the book description of Annabeth, when will you wake up and realise that most, if not all, of the cast don't look like their book descriptions and yet, Leah is the only one who seems to be getting hated on, which leaves me to the conclusion that it isn't hate, it is racism so please STOP HATING ON LEAH because if it takes children like me, mere 11 year olds, to point out what is wrong will this world then so be it. But just know that we need adults and people of all ages to help so instead of hating on Leah, congratulate her. Congratulate her for being an amazing Annabeth. So just realise that, if it takes an 11 year old to speak up when the adults refuse to, simply because it is easier to turn your head the other way instead of actually facing the problem like they should be, you should be ashamed of yourselves for not even trying to help, because  as much as I hate it, no matter how much it is covered up with excuses, or hidden racism still exists. So bottom line STOP HATING ON LEAH JEFFRIES BECAUSE OF HER SKIN COLOR!!! IT IS OUT OF HER CONTROL!!!