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I'm turning 15 in 10 days. I'm happy yet sad because I didn't really get to do the happy things I want to do as a kid. I do really miss my childhood but I could restart it and fix it all over again , I always want to grow up but now I reget saying that. Also I became a coparal on February 14th, I wasn't really expecting it but I'm proud I got it but I feel like I don't deserve the rank. They say don't abuse the rank and I don't but I get in trouble like if I'm doing it. I don't like or love cadets but I'm still not used to quiteness so cadets is my only escape place but people have favorites and treat you like shit but worse sometimes sexual assaulted wether they are in or not in cadets but I can't tell anyone cause I respect to much people. I just wish can tell Sir but like l they say I'm a soft ,big for my age but soft. If only they knew why I'm like this Anyways That's all for today. Enjoy your day/afternoon/night