Heyya peeps. It's me..uhmm first of all I'm so so soooo sorry for not updating the story bcuz I've been busy with my student life completing all of the assignments as I'm a final year student so yeah. I cannot promise if I have the time to update but I promise u guys that this story will surely have its ending :)
well, there's another reason why I choose to send this message ;) I'm having mixed feelings about sharing with you guys my final year project here. Funny story, I told my friend if it's a good idea to share here and she's like "SHARE2222" hahahaha but I'm deeply humble to gladly share it with uolls
so here's the link to our project or you can just type; AnimationDept FiTA_UiTM on youtube
Our final year project showcase will be started on 26th July, at 9 a.m Malaysian times. There will be lots of captivating animations to entertain you!! So don't miss out guys (/^_^)/~~~<3<3<3