*My Personal Rule: You follow me, I follow you! 

I am a writer of fan fiction. It is what brings me joy and I enjoy writing it for you guys. I do not have every single aspect of the franchise FOR A REASON.

WHAT I DO NOT DO is plagiarize a work that is not mine. All of my works are of my own imagination with the aide of a greater source.

Plagiarism-- The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

I also have a second account! please check out @Hanife_Haseki_Sultan!
  • Creek/Osage/Tulsa County, OK, USA
  • Đã tham giaJune 4, 2013

Tin nhắn Cuối cùng
RiseandReigns RiseandReigns Feb 05, 2023 09:29PM
If I made something for  Pavel I Petrovich, from 2014's Ekaterina would anyone read it? Pavel has me in a damn chokehold and I want to see if anyone will read the shotty fic I post.
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