
Assalamu'alaikum... Mampir di cerita aku yuuk "tanya jawab seputar islam". Ada postingan terbaru loooh. 
          Ini mengenai apa? Ini menjawab dari sekian pertanyaan yg sering bgt ditanyakan seputar agama Islam. Yuuk cuuss... 


Hi @RiskakumalaaRiskakum ,if you are interested in steamy, twisted, romantic, and slightly erotic stories.
          Kindly read my story:  ( Writer: @ZheVloet )
          This is dark romance story. It’s not a rainbow and ponies; it’s misery and darkness that blooms into love. Featuring controlling freaks male character and innocent female character. 
          I’d really appreciate your visit to my story especially your thoughts and votes.
          Thank you.