
Happy New Year!!!!
          	2021 is over and 2022 starts now, hope this year things will be better 
          	Stay safe everyone! Wear your mask when you go outside, wash your hand and eat healthy foods / fruits from time to time.
          	Bye! See you soon :D


So... Hey guys! girls! Everyone!
          Sorry I haven't update yet, to be honest. . .
          I was lazy, was reading another fanfics and watch some of the anime that I wanna watch. Plus with school work that I don't like.
          But don't worry, I'm gonna update someday. 
          Have a Good Day / Night ! Stay safe! 


Plus I told you I already graduated HS!!! That’s why!


Smh I said I would help you if want me too... but you didn’t ask and now I feel so useless!!! (I like helping people with anything^^) 


To the people who actually read my storie, I'm sorry I haven't update yet. I have a littleeee bit of a writer block, and I have an exam this week with all of the subject that I'm sooo bad at. Once again sorry bout that 


If you need help with studying then ask, some of us graduated high school or college


Hey guys! Funny story, I have a spare time today and as I were making the next chapter of Code Lyoko fanfic, I accidently push the power button. And I haven't save it yet sooo, it might take a while. Sorry about this, I sometime so clumsie, this already happen twice, and it happen when my online class is on. UGH, sorry about this. 


My work gone, with just a single button 