
Quote of the day:
          	"Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go."


Quote of the Day:
          "The worst enemy to creativity is self doubt."
          —Sylvia Plath
          I've just published a new 'Writing Update' in Low-Key Entertainer and chapters in TMC and TAS. It would mean a lot to me if you checked those out!


Quote of The Day:
          "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
          —Henry Ford.
          And with that, I'm back! There are gonna be new updates in Low-Key Entertainer and a few other books of mine the latest Monday morning (and boy, what updates they're gonna be). Hope you guys all still remember my chirpy old self after that long break (which came pretty unexpectedly even for me, but that's another thing to talk about in LKE). That's pretty much all for now. I'll see you whenever you next see me, but bye till then and have a great day ahead!


@Didi_Girl I'm concerned as to whether it's a 'you've come back to hell' thing or 'you're the hell who's come back' here...
            (Should I be making a u-turn and just run?)