
Hey, thanks for your suggestion...I'll check out your reading list.  I dont mean to be a snob, but if the grammar is too bad it can give me a headache trying to read...


@KatelynnBrooks9 Yeah I can ignore a lot, but sometimes you can't.  And sometimes there's poor grammar, spelling, and gigantic gaping plot holes...and I drop those like they were a slug.  Lol.  But hey its good for he authors to practice.  


@KatelynnBrooks9 Yeah I'll plow through it if it isn't too bad. I just dropped two last night though. I've found some pretty creative substitutions for words, it's pretty hilarious 


@KatelynnBrooks9 Right, I don't want to be a jerk, and I dont consider myself to be a grammar nazi, but at least use basic high school grammar, or elementary school....lol
            Mist instead of missed, really?  I just dropped another one, gave it a couple chapters....nope.  
            Me too. 