
Hello anyone that Reads this, Merry Christmas! 


@RobertLee936 Happy Holiday best wishes


My YouTube Account Just got Deleted... Now what? 


@GGamer6000 Okay... Thank you... 


@RobertLee936 Hey don't feel bad about it after all youtube is a complete smack in the face though


@GGamer6000 I violated community Guidelines or, something like that, the system detected it so, they just deleted it... Well.. Shoot... Oh well, it happens... They could've at least told me what I was doing wrong, so I could've fixed it... 


(Inhales then sighs deeply looking at my Old Study Room...)
          Good to be Back... 
          What did I Miss? 
          (Pulls out An Old Dusty Typewriter and starts typing again, Clearly Charged but, still... Just maybe the Same...) 


My End
          Date; 10/24/2023
          Time; 4;35PM
          Part 3 Of 2
          I am not going to Die, Everyone... I will not Die... I plan on living my life for as long as naturally can! I just... I just need time... Time to process... ALL OF THIS!!! ... I bid you all a very fond Farewell, Internet Strangers... Auf Wiedersehen... 


@Iwearsweats Don't worry about me, my Friend, I'm not, nor do I plan too! I'll be Fine! I always am! I just need time to process... All of this! I'll be alright, I'm sure! See you around my Friend! 


@RobertLee936 I mean, that's good, but I also meant if you're referring to taking your own life, in which case please talk to me.


@Iwearsweats I'm not Leaving Wattpad forever! I'm just taking a Holiday... A long Holiday... I need Time... More bad things will happen yeah but... It is Life... Don't worry I've gotten used it all These bad things happening at this point... I'll just push through it all... Like I've always done... Thinks will get better... I know they will... I'll check be back here every now and then but, I probably won't be writing a lot... So... Expect that... See you around, Friend... 


My End
          Date; 10/24/2023
          Time; 4;25PM
          Part 2 Of 2
          Here we are now... My father is going to jail... And i punched the wall so hard so much... My knuckles are bruised... And probably bleeding... Here's the funny thing... My Father... Didn't mind doing what she asked... For a while... Always turning off the TV whenever she asked... Training our bodies to walk around our Own home like Ninjas... In order to not make a sound and... Well... He... Just snapped... That's when the police got involved and... All of this... Madness, this Chaos, unfolded... The moment my Father wanted to do something himself... The downstairs neighbor shut him off by calling The Police... We we're the nice ones... But now... Now... We have nothing... I have nothing... so much bad things have happened to me again... so fast! AGAIN!!! I probably just lost my Father... Along with my mind... Why do the Nicest people suffer the Most...? Goodbye... Internet Strangers... I'll be back... one day... I bid you all a very fond Farewell... He! He! He! He! He! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! 


@RobertLee936 ... I understand that honestly but as for why the worst happens to the nicest it's just how the world is... It's unfair it's crule the bad get treated like heros and the good get treated as villians
            That is the world we live in I wish i could be there to assist but.
            I can't and i wish you the best on finding peace my friend (i only now saw this due to me being ill)


My End
          Date; 10/24/2023
          Time; 4;25PM
          Part 1 Of 2
          I have great regret to inform you all that this is my end... I am done with everything... Before you ask, I'm not going to commit... "That,"... This is the end of me for now... Okay... Okay... Let me try to explain to you all what has happened to me... Summary of all of this... Our Downstairs Neighbor pressed Charges against my Father a Few Weeks Back...and we... Went to court over it... And... They said we had to not make any Noise for 3 Years and pay a huge fine... this Complaint was filled 3 Days ago... I remember it all to well... in the end the police came over and gave him a warning but, since he violated the Parole thing... and... Well... We got a Note today say we have 10 Days... 10 days to leave... Everything ... And well... My Father just lost it... He started to yell... That's all he did Was yell... and the police were there... They got a call saying he was throwing and breaking things... I don't have anything, just my phone and some Slippers, at this moment my Grandparents came over because we called them and told them what happened... My Father Ordered me to stay with them for the time being... And... 
          Continue on part 2...


@RobertLee936 ...
            I. I am sorry to hear all of this my dear friend even tho i may not know you. I. I share and feel your pain


She brightens my day during my Darkest of Times...
          She does so much that I simply cannot put it in lines...
          Shs makes me happy whenever I think about her...
          Yet she filled me with so much Sadness for she is no longer here... 
          My Vision is a Blur...
          I am wiping my Tears
           I miss her so much... 
          I'm writing this poem... 
          I miss her Soft Warm Touch...
          She brought me so much Joy
          Back when i was a Little Boy...
          Now when i think about her i feel so Sad...
          Yet I know in the end that...
          No matter what happens...
          I will always Love her...
          Happy Birthday, Mom...
          I Love You... And i Miss You... 


@RobertLee936  Np man I'm here for


@Ezar-Zikel2 Thank you... Ezar... 


@RobertLee936  Np Robbert and if you ever need someone to talk to im always here man stay safe!