
Hello all! I'm not sure if it's just me, but does it seem like any of your fics you write hardly get any views or feedback? Genuinely curious. Or maybe my writing just doesn't appeal to many! Anyways I'm hoping to make new friends and find new stories to read so anyone who wants to chit chat and share their fics with me drop a line! 


hey, jw if you roleplayed? 


@RobinA7X just added you, my user is “themodernroleplayer” or it might be under “Thea+Mavey” 


@RobinA7X i gotchu! gonna add you now and we can go from there, ill try to explain the best I can lmfao 


@asadgirlwhowrites29 ok made one lol idk how to use it  But my username is R4V3N5KULL6661 ✨️


Hello all! I'm not sure if it's just me, but does it seem like any of your fics you write hardly get any views or feedback? Genuinely curious. Or maybe my writing just doesn't appeal to many! Anyways I'm hoping to make new friends and find new stories to read so anyone who wants to chit chat and share their fics with me drop a line!