Well I've been probably confusing everyone in the past 24 hours. I was making some changes I thought were ended but they aren't I guess. Thank you for putting up with my confidence issues lol. In celebration of 200s reads I'll announce the book will be completed before the month is over.
Well I've been probably confusing everyone in the past 24 hours. I was making some changes I thought were ended but they aren't I guess. Thank you for putting up with my confidence issues lol. In celebration of 200s reads I'll announce the book will be completed before the month is over.
Thank you to everyone who has been reading. A final edit will be done once the book is finished. Fyi Karen and Lisa (the grandmother and mother of Robin) are in fact based on my own mother and grandmother. They are really that bad.
Thanks for following me!
If you're looking for something fun to read I recommend the 1st story in my Bogatyr series of short stories. It is only 1200 words, but might just impress you.
Have a good day!
As I'm starting to finish the book. I wanted to say some stuff. First I've changed a few things with the two main characters. I felt things were happening to fast between them. It didn't feel relatable. So now they actually knew each other prior running in to each other at the farm. This makes easy for future writing as well. Second this is actually book one in a series not sure how many I'll write but there will be a book two. And 3rd thank you all for your support. Thank you for also for putting up with my horrible editing lol. Once the book is finished I will have more proper editing.