
It's been a while since I posted anything. I've mostly been working on a larger WIP, which I recently realized will have to be a full on trilogy, so I've been doing all the plotting, world building, and such necessary to get started with that, which tends to take away from short story writing time...I'll post some older stuff sometime though!
          	(Thus ends this mostly pointless message (but I guess you guys now know that I'm still alive :P))


It's been a while since I posted anything. I've mostly been working on a larger WIP, which I recently realized will have to be a full on trilogy, so I've been doing all the plotting, world building, and such necessary to get started with that, which tends to take away from short story writing time...I'll post some older stuff sometime though!
          (Thus ends this mostly pointless message (but I guess you guys now know that I'm still alive :P))


I haven't posted anything in a long time - sorry about that. I'm working on some stories right now, but I expect it'll be some time before I finish and edit them. In the mean time, I can post some old stories (or those of them that don't make me cringe), plus a short zombie story thing I wrote a couple weeks back...


I kind of fell off of Wattpad for a bit there...very long assignments, lab reports, and all-nighters tend to do that, I suppose. But hey! Me, a finalist for the Hybrid Romance science fiction contest? I never would have imagined! Thanks for noticing my story and all! :)


@LiteraryLeague  *cracks knuckles and throws down the gauntlet (that I always carry around, obviously - doesn't everybody?)* oh, I'm beyond ready. :p


Thanks! I was disappointed that a lot of the stories I really enjoyed, like yours, weren't up there. But there's always next time, eh!


Welp, it's been a while since I wrote a story form beginning to end. Of course the one I just wrote was 1) flash fiction (or maybe a bit longer than the upper limit of flash fiction), and 2) very much resembling a piece of trash, but hey, at least it's there in its entirety!


My attention span is very short. I have started and set aside six or more projects, and continue to do so. Hopefully I'll be able to stop this. But until then, in going to concentrate on another story (but continue writing this one).