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I'm not dead
          	Did have a lot of shit happen though
          	Got chronic pain
          	Got diagnosed with a subtype disorder of ocd
          	I'm alive


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Heyyyyy, so, I'm not dead. Shit happened and I had to deal with it. Also, I had a gender crisis, yayyyy. That was fun. So, not dead, somewhat happy with life, and crying myself to sleep.


Okay, bitches! I have claimed this human. They are now under my protection and named as my favorite human. Hurt her and it will not be pretty. 
          Please, know that “no” means “no” and that even if we aren’t dating and will probably never date again for personal preference she is still my person.


@ariazow35 same, also, what the rule about apologizing bc of that?


@Koibito-Todoroki Awwwww, your my favorite person too!! Your actually the only person I can tell everything to, and not get judged. Still sorry about how things ended, but I'm glad you are my friend!!!!!!!!!! 


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Funny Marvel Fact that I found out yesterday:
          On Earth-3490, Tony Stark was born a woman named Natasha Stark. Civil War NEVER HAPPENED, solely for the fact that Natasha Stark was dating Steve FUCKING Rogers, who she later got married to. So, in some part of the multiverse, Stony is real, and this is hilarious to me.
          Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.


@ariazow35 that’s cool, definitely didn’t know that


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So, I have this cousin who I don't see often, because my dad and her mom didn't stay in touch, and she visited today to help with renovating our house. Since I don't see her often, I spent a shit ton of time with her while our parents worked, we weren't needed, and all we did was talk. So, I have this HUGE Octopus stuffed animal, he's like half the size of my body, and when she saw him she basically kidnapped him. So, as we are talking she's laying on him and just not letting him go. So, after she left, I go up to his huge body and realized something, her scent is all over him. Now, because I'm a weird ass person, I start smelling him because my cousin made me feel extremely safe, and now that he has her scent all over him he smells safe. This is probably me just being weird, which is true, but I like it because I feel safe. All I can say now is that I need Jesus, and that I'm not right in the head.


nah, associating smells with comfort is actually normal, even if it’s the smell of someone. you’re fine (:


I was just reading a story, and the main character was having a HUGE gender identity crisis, and I thought, "Wow, I am so glad I didn't have a gender identity crisis", because I see how painful it can be. Like having someone misgender you, or calling you your dead name, which is all around horrible, along with feeling dysphoric, also horrible. So yeah, I'm glad that didn't happen to me. I did, however, have a major sexuality crisis. I first embraced my sexuality with flying colors, although I was fresh out of the closet, to myself atleast, and had no clue about anything else. All I new at that age was that girls were hot and boys were cute too (I had no clue about the people in-between yet). Then, when my parents found out I was dating a trans guy, I told my self I was straight for a very long time, about 3 years, and I believed it. Then when I learned more about the LGBTQ+ community, I decided that I really was apart of it, somehow. At first though, it was hell trying to figure it out. I, eventually, had a friend, who was a trans male, (I say "was" because we lost contact after I was in 7th grade and he probablydoesn'teven remember me as he is out of high-school now) who helped me explore my sexuality a bit, and made me come to the conclusion that I was queer, after a LOT of searching, and that a label didn't have to say everything about my sexuality, that it was my decision to pick a label, or even pick one at all. After that I was pretty open about my sexuality, again to myself, and would embrace the fact that I could like whoever I wanted. Now though, I'm starting to think I'm aromatic, as the last 2 romantic relationships I was in felt extremely awkward for me, as well as the fact that I only really felt platonic feelings for them (My ex if you're reading this I'm sorry). In conclusion, my sexuality crisis is still not over. Yay
          Sorry if this was annoying. This is one of the only places I can rant


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@ariazow35 Fuck karma, Fuck Gender, Fuck you you horrible post I made.


@ariazow35 Okay, thank you for understanding!! You wonderful human being!!!!


@ariazow35 Bitch, please. You have nothing to apologize for, I’m over that now. Okay? You don’t have to keep apologizing, okay, Ave?


Fun Fact: Superman has a kid with one of his worst enemies, Lex Luthor. For those who don't know Lex Luthor, he is a very rich person who owns his own company, and uses his money for his own gain, like fighting Superman. So, Lex Luthor created a child with Superman's DNA, and his own. What I'm trying to say is, Kon-El/Conner Kent, has 2 dads, and they're worst enemies.


Me: *Listening to my 2 trans friends talk about binding in 7th grade*
          Me: *Not knowing what the hell they're talking about because I'm still new to this stuff*
          Also Me: *Ignores them*
          Me Now:
          Me: *Watching Trans Tik Toks*
          Me: *Sees some kid binding with bandages*
          Also Me: THAT'S NOT HOW YOU BIND!!!!!!!!


@ariazow35 but what if someone can’t bind any other way?