I was just reading a story, and the main character was having a HUGE gender identity crisis, and I thought, "Wow, I am so glad I didn't have a gender identity crisis", because I see how painful it can be. Like having someone misgender you, or calling you your dead name, which is all around horrible, along with feeling dysphoric, also horrible. So yeah, I'm glad that didn't happen to me. I did, however, have a major sexuality crisis. I first embraced my sexuality with flying colors, although I was fresh out of the closet, to myself atleast, and had no clue about anything else. All I new at that age was that girls were hot and boys were cute too (I had no clue about the people in-between yet). Then, when my parents found out I was dating a trans guy, I told my self I was straight for a very long time, about 3 years, and I believed it. Then when I learned more about the LGBTQ+ community, I decided that I really was apart of it, somehow. At first though, it was hell trying to figure it out. I, eventually, had a friend, who was a trans male, (I say "was" because we lost contact after I was in 7th grade and he probablydoesn'teven remember me as he is out of high-school now) who helped me explore my sexuality a bit, and made me come to the conclusion that I was queer, after a LOT of searching, and that a label didn't have to say everything about my sexuality, that it was my decision to pick a label, or even pick one at all. After that I was pretty open about my sexuality, again to myself, and would embrace the fact that I could like whoever I wanted. Now though, I'm starting to think I'm aromatic, as the last 2 romantic relationships I was in felt extremely awkward for me, as well as the fact that I only really felt platonic feelings for them (My ex if you're reading this I'm sorry). In conclusion, my sexuality crisis is still not over. Yay
Sorry if this was annoying. This is one of the only places I can rant