
Hello everyone, 
          	I know it has been a long time since I have done anything on here and I have received quite a few questions and requests regarding updates to my stories. I apologize to everyone for leaving and not updating anything in over a year. Sorry. I started writing my stories here in high school and I am currently in college pursuing a degree in Biochemistry. After seeing everyone's continued interest in my stories I hope to continue them and start a few others that I have been thinking about for a while. I cannot make any promises as far as scheduling regular updates as my lab work and research take priority but I will try to update more often and complete my stories in the way I had initially planned. Thank you all for staying with me and giving me continued support in my prolonged absence.


Hello everyone, 
          I know it has been a long time since I have done anything on here and I have received quite a few questions and requests regarding updates to my stories. I apologize to everyone for leaving and not updating anything in over a year. Sorry. I started writing my stories here in high school and I am currently in college pursuing a degree in Biochemistry. After seeing everyone's continued interest in my stories I hope to continue them and start a few others that I have been thinking about for a while. I cannot make any promises as far as scheduling regular updates as my lab work and research take priority but I will try to update more often and complete my stories in the way I had initially planned. Thank you all for staying with me and giving me continued support in my prolonged absence.


Hey just wanting to know when the next book for the element series would be for I really am looking forward to the next book/s and thanks for the awesome writing 


 Thank you thank you thank you for continuing the series. I haven't been on wattpad for a bit and I come back to see a book dedicated to me so thanks


Thank you so much! I am working on the book and the only reason I haven't posted the first few chapters yet is due to the fact I have some new ideas for the story and want to keep clear of any continuity errors that may arise. Thank you for you patience and I will try my best to get the chapters of the next book up as soon as I can! 
            (My mental deadline is August/September)