Hello all. It's been awhile but I would like to announce that Born in Fire is officially published and available for purchase on amazon.com. https://www.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=2YZ91DPTDXIF1&K=2B4LGHVOZOXV2&M=urn:rtn:msg:2024081404250009f104fc11b044c49486225ed930p0na&R=23XEQ4GPIJLUB&T=C&U=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fauthor%2Frochelledmorlan%3Fref_%3Dpe_2466670_811284380&H=BAUZPIAYN0MGLCKS8DGKII1GWHGA&ref_=pe_2466670_811284380 This is the link. It goes straight to the paperback and ebook. This is the complete finished work with content I did not add to the one on here. Thank you and thank you to everyone who showed support during the writing process.