@nirteck holaa :) recién me doy cuenta de este mensaje, que linda sorpresa. Como andas?

HIYA!! :D ;D Okay, so first off, I'm so so sorry because I know I'm going to sound super annoying saying this, but if you could take a few precious minutes of your time and make a point to check out a book I'm working on, it would mean the whole freaking world to me! It's titled, 'My Knight in Broken Armor' and it's teen fiction, if you happen to like that genre. :) I'm not forcing you to read anything you don't want to, but if you could check out my work, I'd be really grateful for that. I'd love to have your opinion! Good or bad, I won't mind. :) Thanks for reading this message! You're really nice! <3 xx P.S. Your profile picture's cute! :) (Oh and don't get creeped out by the compliment! I'm a girl! :P )

@ILoveTheUSA I'll add it in a minute, thanks I hope my exams go well :) I'd really love we keep in touch, kisses <3 from Argentina

@ILoveTheUSA Thank you so freaking much! I wasn't kidding when I said you're nice! you seriously are awesome! And of course! I understand. Good luck for your exams! :D you can add the book to your reading list and get back to it whenever you're over with the exams! that's perfectly okay! :) Thanks a ton again! <3 xo

@ILoveTheUSA hahahah thank u, you're so nice, and don't worry I don't think your message is annoying :) Right now I'm studying for my exams but when they're over I promesse to read your story. We must say thank u for taking your time to write and give us the chance to read the stories we like most. Best wishes, XOXO.

Amy es una chica de 16 años que juega a voley.Nunca ha estado enamorada,tampoco le ha gustado ningún chico, pero Dylan, un niño de 13 años conseguirá ser su pequeña debilidadhttp://www.wattpad.com/story/28255675-mi-peque%C3%B1a-obsesi%C3%B3n Te invito a leer mi novela "Mi Pequeña Obsesión" ¿<¥$°[;-) ฿:-( θ₹฿:-( θ₹฿:-( θ₹฿θ