
Guys you who do read my book SG I will be posting a new chapter very soon, sorry for not posting for a long time! :)


Hi I was wondering if you actually have bipolar disorder or if you just think it's a quirky adjective? Cuz if you have it that's totally cool of you for being so open and if not I think you should seriously rethink your use of the mental illness


iz Srbije? To je kul :D procitala sam tvoj opis I ne vjerujem koliko smo slicne :)


@Rock_Dae Ne brini se, od mene ces dobit ful realno misljene ^.^ Ni u Sarajevu nije bas aktuelno ali ima nas tridesetak pa idemo na kafu s vremena na vrijeme (prvi put kad su me pozvali mislila sam da ce me pojesti jer sam najmladja l jok prihvatili me kao da sam sa njima 10 godina!!) svi su tako super ljudi I s njima mozes pricati o svemu and they get all the puns and jokes which is so awesome plus ima nas puno umjetnika u toj grupi od 16 do 35 godina vjerovala ili ne, I svi smo ljubitelji anime-a ! (duh, its an anime gathering Melisa *rolls eyes*) phew al sam se raspricala =^.^= anyway idem ja odigrati jednu LoL-a, have a cup of coffee myb too.. expect an honest reply on one of your stories soon! ^.~


@FieryMermaid Bilo bi i vise nego dobro, ali to sto kazes. Druge drzave, a plus u Srbiji nema toga i anime i manga su nepoznata teritorija. Hvala ako ces procitati, nadam da ce da ti se dopadnu i slobodno mozes da me kritikujes i iskreno kazes sta mislis u inbox ili komentar. Ja sam lezerna i ne brinem se toliko oko stvari haha, ali trebas da ucis! Yes they are for everything we can't do on work days!


@Rock_Dae Bas mi je drago sto sam naletila na tebe tbh. Bilo bi super kad bi smo se nasle na nekom anime okupljanju pa ispricale ali damn kad smo u drugim drzavama >.< potrudicu se da procitam sto si pisala iako nemam vremena od skole u zadnje vrijeme but aye thats what late friday nights (or should I say saturday mornings) are for ^.~


Hey :) Thanks for the votes on How to write a novel. I hope you found the book helpful :)


@Rock_Dae I'm glad to hear that! :D You're welcome :)


Hey Nour, it really did open my eyes for writing better. Thank you for writing that novel which, I am sure, will be helpful to others as well! :D


Thanks for the votes on Vera! I really appreciate them and I hope you're enjoying the story :)


@Rock_Dae thank you! I feel so flattered right now :) I hope to you continue to enjoy the story! :D


Nothing sweetie, I really like Vera, it's written differently than other books. Keep up your good work, you have skills. :)


@Awesome0016 Oh my God. I can't... I don't know how to even describe the feeling I have right now. You are seriously the most greatest and sweetest girl I have encountered on Wattpad and in general. I am beyond grateful to you, and I want to thank you for thinking that I could be writer one day. I am hoping that too for my dream to be a reality one day. And I don't mind the nickname darling <3