@tippysmom - Hi. I was sitting on a bus to work yesterday and for some reason I reflected on my journey, from the moment I wrote this post, till today. I just felt like sharing my journey with you considering how supportive you were for me when I was feeling seriously low.
Beginning of 2022, I was severly burnt out. I had been struggling with it for a few months at that point, work being the main source of it, and the constant attempts to keep working made it worse. My last day actually working was a struggle to say the least. I'm sad that that was my last experience on that job, because that job wasn't really that bad (I decided to leave for my own health). At one point I loved it.
I went to therapy and then a specialist who diagnosed me with general anxiety and a depressive episode related to that anxiety, and ever since I've worked to identify even the smallest acts that are controlled by my anxiety (such as constantly double-checking things like locked doors, locked cars). The little things lead to the big things, so I did the work in steps.
I moved to another city and started going back to school, which has honestly been the best medicine in all this. It has allowed me to grow beyond the constraints I felt was on me back home. School has been great, and my roommates have been amazing. It's a smaller city than where I come from, but I still like it very much.
I suppose I came out on the other side. These days there are still those small anxiety-traits that make me double check things, but I know them, I recognize them for what it is, and I have not had a major episode of anxiety in over a year, and that is a grand victory for me.
I feel more confident now, more ready for the adult-life and more independent. My anxiety doesn't control me anymore, I control it, and it is the best feeling.