Hey Dragon Stalkers. I know you probably got the notification about Allyssa Scrido but I wanted to tell you guys all something. Allyssa Scrido is no longer on hold! And also I should be updating more often than I have lately, I've just had no time to actually sit down and write when I have an idea for the chapter. Enter the Magic will be going half speed ahead as I try to finish Allyssa so that it's caught up with another story.
Also! I'm going to be making this into a series with the help of my friend Caius and I'm calling it "The Demigod Files" which will be explained in the first book. Allyssa Scrido is the second book and the on that my friend Caius already wrote is the third but the first will explain a little about how Simi went bad and now *SPOILER* how Sammi (Lenna's sister) went bad too. for future reference Lenna and Sammi are identical twins but Sammi dyed her hair black while Lenna's is naturally light brown. Just saying!
Be prepared for a few months of writing and posting as I'll be collaborating with Caius on the first book of the series and it will most likely be posted on both of our pages as our stories but it will be written by the both of us.
As of current, we plan on trading P.O.V.'s giving you an inside look into Caius's, Sammi's, Lenna', and maybe BRS's minds so look forward to that. Also, I will be writing his story (book 3) in my P.O.V. as soon and Allyssa Scrido is done and I'll be working on the first one at the same time.
Done rambling now! I love you Stalkers especially the ones that keep up on my story and stuck with me through my state of laziness and not wanting or being able to write. I love you guys! <3
~Rockin D.