Je remue le ciel le jour la nuit, je danse avec le vent la pluie, un peu d'amour, un brin de miel et je danse danse danse... <3
Thank you God for your blessings x
May your eyes guide you towards the most beautiful dreams
When you close them tonight
May this escape be a merry one
May you wake up in a great mood tomorrow
Mr tallie ❤️
Also it is not chai tea but just chai, you lil' American lady ;) And ch-ai not chw-aiiiii
Alright alright, i'm not being mean ;) Good night to you too x
@AngelBubsie Dearest good lord, what are you doing here wtf
It's the way i speak lmao, and tbh you gotta agree on this one- it's very charming no? Alright skyscraper of 1.64 m (idk how many x'y it is )
@RockyBeaniex Says the one who is obsessed with Harry Potter in british accent v.v Potato, Tomato, Charcoal are mere examples, dearest kind sir. Aaaaand i am not little, thank you Mr tallie
just had chai over some good talks! Now daddy is going to bed lil babies, i love you so much and i exist only for you :) Good night lil' rabbits and don't be too naughty lmao
Mr Daddy