
Join me & @Miketendo64 as we talk about The Spirit of Iris & how a deep love of #zelda & #gaming helped inspire it.


The Entwined Saga Competition
          Author, Rocky Rochford​ has teamed up with Micahel J Elliott of The Writers Emporium for a very special contest.
          We are giving you the chance to win some of Rocky's brilliant thriller/Wiccan novel, The Entwined Saga.
          One lucky person will win the complete Entwined saga featuring the parts:
          *Dead On The Floor
          *Salt In The wound
          *The First Glance
          *I Watched Her
          *Burning For You
          *Save Her
          Two runners up will recieve the first three parts of the Entwined Saga. 
          The contest is very easy to enter, all you need to do is finish the title to another one of Rocky's books,
          The Rise of The Elohim
          The Spirit of --------- 
          To enter, all you need to do is to answer the question and send your name and email address to

          * The Competition commences on May 1st and ends on May 16th 2015.
          * All entries must be received by midnight Australian EST.
          * Entries submitted before the official start date will not be entered into the draw.
          * Only entries with the correct answer will be entered into the draw.
          *No more than two entries per person.
          * All correct entries will be placed in a random name generator to determine the winners.
          *All winners will be notified no later than 48hrs after the draw and prizes sent.
          *Winners will be announced on the Michael J. Elliott Facebook and Twitter pages.
          Good Luck Everyone and Spread the Word!


Here's a little something that is happening only one week away, a huge reader/author event for all to get involved in:
          Get Down With The #Awethors
          March 28, 2015
          Me  and a fellow author, DM Cain, have put together  huge book event on Facebook and Twitter. The ‘Get Down With The  #‎Awethors’‬ event will run all day on April 12th (across time zones, so it’ll actually be far longer than 24 hours). All the events will take place on the facebook group page (, but also on twitter – where we are encouaging everybody to tweet each other questions, using the #awethors hashtag (we hope to get it trending!)
          As for the Facebook event, all the authors will be turning up at some point on the day (so you can come for all day, a few hours, even just half an hour if you like). When authors drop in, they get talking to each other, and to the readers, reviewers and bloggers, about their books. There will also be genre book bundles to be won, cover wars, video interviews and swag packs for your favourite authors.
          Its a great opportunity to make author/reader/editor friends, spread awareness about your books, get some sales and pick up some goodies for yourself too.
          You can put in as much or as little effort and time as you want. There’s no pressure. And when you come in, what you do there is up to you. You can talk about, and do whatever you want. Some people are running book cover contests, sharing trailers, discussing which famous people should play characters in their books etc. Anything that gets people interested in you and your work.
          So why not pop along on the day – it’s going to be a fantastic event!


My new Story Dead Memories comes to Wattpad:

          Nothing in this life lasts forever and for Kimberley Wyatt, a girl at the end of her life, about to succumb to death when the plug to her life support is pulled, all she can do is tell the story of her life, the time she lived and share the Dead Memories


So what has been happening this week, well more of my old wattpad works are being accepted by publishers and I'm now actually signing copies of the Spirit of Iris as more and more people keep asking for copies. Suffice to say I am indeed smiling.


Rocky Rochford - The Current Complete Works:
          Phoenix Rises – a Deep Water novel: (Full length novel)

          The Spirit of Iris – Part of the Rise of the Elohim Chronicles: (Full length novel)


          Dead on the Floor – Part of the Entwined Saga: (Short Story)


          Hour of Darkness – Part of the Rise of the Elohim Chronicles: (Short Story)


          Don't Turn Around – A short tale about Murder: (Short story)


          The First Glance – Part of the Entwined Saga: (Short Story)


          Little Boy Death The Life of: (Poetry Collection):