
Undertale My AU - Sisters, Undyne continues past the ruins to a cold and snowy forest where she meets an unlikely pair of sisters


Blizzardheart's quest Chapter 5 Part 1 and Part 2 are both released - Blizzardpaw is bothered by something while out on Border Patrol - Rainpaw is wary if Tigerclaw's intentions, during battle training she meets someone new


Warriors, Blizzardheart's Quest -  Chapter 4: Disbelief, Blizzardpaw is very shocked about Redtail's death and doesn't believe that Oakheart would do such a thing, would he? Or is Tigerclaw more deceptive than he makes others believe.


MCD Zodiac Story S1 E3 - Garroth and Zenix tell you that you taking charge of this small village places you as a Lord, and that because of it, the world is changing and people are becoming more aware. If you want more answers, you will have to go to the old lord's home, what do you do?


I'm currently in the proccess of creating the next chapter of Blizzardheart's Quest, thank you for the support on the series so far, it's the most popular thing i've made so far and I have a lot of ideas on how to develop it into a full blown series with lots of creative twists, but it's only the beginning so far and i'm not planning on giving anything away yet, so you'll have to keep posted to figure out what I have in store, may Starclan light your path


Blizzardheart's Quest - Chapter 3: Trials Blizzardpaw, Rainpaw, and Ironpaw, are still mastering their hunting skill, by the time they get back to camp they realize there's someone here to visit, that some clanmates find very unwelcome