Might just be me but I don't get Gem x Impulse. Not judging or anything, but they have such father/daughter vibes, I physically cannot see them romantically or queer platonically for that matter
TW: Iskall drama (for those of you who wanna avoid it)
Watching Iskall's response was like watching a plane crash except it's just someone telling you about a plane crash that /totally/ happened even though you've only been shown screenshots of the site and there was no plane crash there and the only receipt the person telling you about is has is "just trust me bro" and also if you think he's lying you're a sheep
Like, innocent until proven guilty and death threats are never cool, but if all we have is evidence against him and he refuses to show any that prove his innocence, what are we supposed to believe?
Ok, if I did make a 3rd Life rp, would you guys rather it be more rp focused, or be mostly rp but also be like an actual game (abilties, a PVP/action system, etc.) cuz I don't want ppl to try power-playing or anything but making a game-like system is actually really hard lolll