
You know what I should do for my OCs?  I should give them voice claims.  Nobody does that for their characters anymore (from what I've seen) and it makes me sad that of all trends to fade out it was that one
          	I want Mamphis to be voiced by Chris Pratt, more specifically I want his Emmett from the Lego Movie voice, it's just the only way it works in my head for some reason 


You know what I should do for my OCs?  I should give them voice claims.  Nobody does that for their characters anymore (from what I've seen) and it makes me sad that of all trends to fade out it was that one
          I want Mamphis to be voiced by Chris Pratt, more specifically I want his Emmett from the Lego Movie voice, it's just the only way it works in my head for some reason 


this message may be offensive
I like writing AND bc it gives me a good challenge with writing a character I am not familiar or comfortable with writing but I also hate writing AND bc it gives me a good challenge with writing a character I am not familiar or comfortable with writing 
          It's been over a month, I'm not halfway done with finishing the next chapter, and I've just deleted a huge chunk of the writing because I realized I forgot Mamphis is a self-centered semi-asshole with natural charisma and not an awkward but loveable dork like most of the protags I write 


TIL that cats can be green! If the shades of color in their fur (brown, grey, black, etc) line up just right in their genetics, they will appear as a shade of grey-green in midday sunlight, which is the time of day and lighting used to determine the "canon" color of irl things. Granted, it's super rare, but possible
          All this to say that HCWC Doc can and will be green, and now I'm very glad I waited so long to introduce him bc if I designed him yesterday he would've been some shade of brown and I would've been mad today


Okay so when I say I got my motivation back it leaves but if I say I lost my motivation it comes back??? I haven't wrote a thing for P:N for a whole month but the other night I blacked out and came back to at least 6 extra paragraphs and an emotional dialogue between two characters 
          Am I like.... a freak of nature or is this normal?


Just learned Jimmy is tall brain is boggled I can't be the only one who thinks he gives 5 foot energy right?