
I have been meaning to ask you a couple things 1. Are you okay I am checking on you and 2. How would The Three Factions and The Occult Research Club in a Transformers/ Highschool DXD crossover react to a Techno-Organic person similar to Sari to Transformers animated


I mean I could see that but despite issei's Perversion he has his good moments. There is something I have been meaning to ask you about something how would the supernatural World React to Optimus Prime, Megatron and the Autobots & Decepticons Factions as a whole.


@Godzilla16 I've been thinking.
            Ddraig has been inside the Boosted Gear soo long. The day he lost his dragon body, his soul was placed inside the gear. Isn't that like a prison to him? A solitary confinement? Either way, every time his wielders die, he'll just ended up in another wielder. Not by choice but randomized pick. These two facts only just adding his boredom for the rest of centuries. Ultimately, he wants to be free, able fly again, soaring mighty like a true dragon.
            Cybertronians might be familiar to Ddraig. He could be met the Knights or even the Primes. If he gets familiar with Optimus Prime, Ddraig will be inspired by the words of free will and choices. Hence, the name Autobots from the word "Autonomous". Issei, for me, is the worst wielder of him. Even Ddraig felt the sane thing. Constantly moving to one wielder to another, only ended up with the most perverted one. My take on this is that Ddraig has enough and decided to free himself from Issei and Sacred Gear system... by asking the Autobots to extract him out without killing Issei and put his soul into a new body. A CYBERTRONIAN body.
            The world of supernaturals had been in many conflicts for millenia, always ended in violence. Humans are unlucky bystanders. Optimus Prime envisions a future where everyone can live in peace and harmony. He failed once in Cybertron. He won't fail this time on Earth. This very vision that shaped Optimus Prime's heroism is what makes Ddraig respect him. His virtue, wisdom, courage, and selfless actions have surpassed gods and dragons. Even Great Red himself. The High Council of Cybertron is right about him. His courage and wisdom changes the life around him, including Ddraig. I have this idea because I always like to think how much Ddraig wants to be free. As for Issei, he's on his own. There will be time where Issei hit the lowest point of his life. His perversion can jeopardize the peace the Autobots and supernaturals have tried to build.


@Godzilla16 firstly, I'm very fine right now, thank you for much. It's just I'm being not used to back to college after one semester internship. There's a lot to catch up anyways
            Secondly, techno organics basically are half organic and half robotics. This is technically a species mixing The Three Factions have no problems with it. Heck, they even want to integrate themselves becoming more superior than normal angels, fallen angels, and devils. BUT! this is a influential technology can solve the flawed Evil Pieces system and other similar system. The Devils wage three way war in the past that caused pureblood devils nearly extinct. So, the devils created the Evil Pieces system. But the techno organics technology can make that system obsolete. If mixing species with that technology possible, then fully species conversion is also possible, turning any beings into pureblood devils without any flaws. Also, this technology is all about biology. The Cybertronians might able solve the problem of low devils birthrate, altering their biology a little, which in turn make them able to give birth to devils in normal rate as human, or even greater than human