
this message may be offensive
I NEED someone to write a Gilmore girls fanfic where Rory and Logan grew up together and used to be best friends and secretly liked each other but one of them moved away and they met up after years at Yale where Logan is a playboy and Rory is a bookworm OR they meet up at a meeting of the life and death brigade. I would read the shit out of that book TELL ME IF YOU DO PLEASEEE I NEED THIS I would write it myself but I don't have time and I'm too lazy


@RoganHuntzberger2000 OMG I’m so glad you’re doing this!!! Also if possible before one of them move away you should make Rory kiss Logan it would be kind of like Chris and Lorelai’s  first kiss and I’m fully team Luke but their first kiss story was really cute also maybe lorelai and her parents get in to a huge fight or something so she and Rory move to stars hollow just a thought but thanks again for doing this


I love this idea!!!! It’ll be my next story. If you have more specific ideas that you want me to incorporate write them here and I’ll try my best to add them. 


Hey when are you gonna update but I understand if you are busy.


How’s What Should’ve Been going and what do you think of my ideas.


You know I meant Women’s major league Soccer or NSWL


Another idea is that Lena can get a call that she’s in the MLS (Major league soccer)