this message may be offensive
Don't listen to them, you are beautiful,loved,nice,friendly,smart AND A WONDERFUL FRIEND!!! Don't listen to what them haters gotta say, they are just jealous of you, what you have, how you dress, how you look, they are just talking about themselves if they are bullying you, how they feel about themselves, they really are jealous of what you can do and want to be you. If you want could you please tell me what they are saying? Thanks! Have a great day, Dan and remember they are talking bad about themselves not you, also don't let their words get to your head. Kay? Also they hate themselves not you and they may be having a hard time at home and are trying to take it out on the person they think is the weakest and won't do shit for talking back/comebacks. And if you believe what they say, guess what girl? Then you think that's true and it becomes true, try not to listen to them and always tell yourself to not listen to them they just want to do it because your an easy target and may or may not have comebacks, i'm just trying to be a good friend amd give you advice i went through this shit to trust me, liek Raeann Wayman is saying i'm a whore and slut but i ignore her because that's how she feels about herself not what she thinks of me. She kinda stopped calling me them names because i didn't let her win at all,all they want is power and you get power by taking anger out on other people who don't have that much power. And also ignored her because none of that is true. If you feel comfortable telling me what happened i would appreciate that so then i can give you more advice (if you want more!) on that subject! Have a good day and remember ignore and smile all day today, todays a new day and it's going to be a good one to! Bye my friend. From MacKenzie