
*Violent distorted screaming*
          	So, first thing's first, no, I still haven't stopped working on DoZ. Unfortunately though, my will to work on TR (and now Heavensent as well) has hit a curb and I've been working on fanfictions as well as future DoZ books on the sidelines. I'm sorry to say that I don't know when the next parts are going to be out, but they WILL be done eventually.


*Violent distorted screaming*
          So, first thing's first, no, I still haven't stopped working on DoZ. Unfortunately though, my will to work on TR (and now Heavensent as well) has hit a curb and I've been working on fanfictions as well as future DoZ books on the sidelines. I'm sorry to say that I don't know when the next parts are going to be out, but they WILL be done eventually.


Hello again! Despite what’s been seen, I actually HAVE been working on DoZ, but I’ve gotten a LOT more work done on another novel called Heavensent (which takes place several thousand years after TR) than TR itself, and I’ll be releasing that once I get home from a trip to New Mexico tomorrow.


Hello, and Happy Holidays! I know I haven't been getting to DoZ as much, but I'm going to try to work on it anyways. The reason for the inactivity is that these past couple months have been absolutely horrific for me, especially this past December. I've had a lot of issues going on with some kind of depression which has only been made worse by a few issues regarding friendships which happened earlier in the month, among other things like semester finals.
          So the general gist of this is, I'm REALLY lacking in motivation as of now but am trying to get myself back on my feet at least. So I'm gonna keep writing, and hopefully I'll get back in the habit at least in regards to DoZ.
          Speaking of which, the next chapter of The Rebellion will probably be out soon, likely in the next few days. I've also been storyboarding for a few other novel series, like Wings of Fire fanfictions and pre-DoZ series like Hellspring and Night Terrors.
          So by NO means have I just been stalling for no reason.
          Anyways, I hope you guys have a good rest of your year!


@RogueDragoness07 I love you RD, I need to catch up again soon. Best of luck on getting through things, I look forward to the next chapter