I'm a musician and want to make a difference in this world. Writing is a passion of mine and I plan on making a book someday if I ever have the time. I'll read almost anything. Sci-fi, adventure, action, horror, murder-mystery, etc etc.

I guess you could say I'm pretty awkward and shy. I'm also a lover of anything food, anime, or book related. Plus I love animals.

My goal is to be able to be able to show people different views in everything. Help them keep an open mind to a lot of things. There's too much in this world to love or just accept that most people see as wrong or stupid or something along those lines. I hope to change their point of views just a bit someday. Whether it's through cooking, writing, or playing an instrument, I want them to see that there's a completely different side to everything. Nothing is just black and white. There's always a little grey area.

Small PSA Here: I am back after being gone for so long. I am hoping to reupload a lot of my old works and some new works that I have written over the years and plan to write here in the future. Please be patient with me because I am struggling with many things in my life right now but hope to still bring some stability with my stories.

I guess that's all I have to say for now.

I hope you enjoy what I put up on here :)
  • Texas
  • JoinedSeptember 3, 2013