
⌑⧼ note ⧽ও
          	⊹✐⌗ Hello my dear Readers! It has been awhile now. I truly miss you all, I am here to say that I will be remaking my books. First example. Corruption, and thank you all for the views and votes on my books!! I appreciate it heartily! 
          	I shall start remaking my books, and the plot my change so I hope you my dear Readers won't mind that! I will do my best to make it entertaining!! 
          	thank you all for reading this! And for my Readers who saw my old books before I put them on private, tell me which one you want me to remake. 
          	I will gladly and wonderfully appreciate it if you tell me! I want to have a good relationship with you all as Writer and Reader! 
          	That is all. Thank you and fare well for now!


⌑⧼ note ⧽ও
          ⊹✐⌗ Hello my dear Readers! It has been awhile now. I truly miss you all, I am here to say that I will be remaking my books. First example. Corruption, and thank you all for the views and votes on my books!! I appreciate it heartily! 
          I shall start remaking my books, and the plot my change so I hope you my dear Readers won't mind that! I will do my best to make it entertaining!! 
          thank you all for reading this! And for my Readers who saw my old books before I put them on private, tell me which one you want me to remake. 
          I will gladly and wonderfully appreciate it if you tell me! I want to have a good relationship with you all as Writer and Reader! 
          That is all. Thank you and fare well for now!


          Hello dear readers! I'm making a new book! It will be posted today, and my book Corruption will still be updated! I'm currently working on it! I promise a new chapter in Corruption will be out soon!! Thank you all for your patience! I love you all!!


I've been losing motivation lately, I'm trying my best to make chapters rn, and I'm sorry if it takes a long time for me to update. I just feel extremely empty and shallow I wish someone would just hug me. I'm trying my best to stay alive, my life isn't that bad so why am I like this? I guess I'm being dramatic again. Again. I'm sorry for the late updates but I want you all to know that I'm still working on it so thank you for those who are waiting I understand how it feels when you don't have anything to read, I know how it feels for a writer to stop making books and leave
          But I don't want to leave any of you, I'll try my very best and I'll make sure to satisfy you all with the next chapter of corruption, my apologies dear readers for late chapters. I'm trying and I hope you all understand
          Thank you for listening, not everyone checks and I'm glad you did. Thank you for reading


And treat yourself to your favorite foods like ice cream!!!


I hope your okay and take your time no one is rushing you and your mental healthy is more important than anything in this world